Time Series Sets

Data processed or stored in CHPS is time series data in various formats. This data is handled using time series sets. Time series sets are useful for retrieving and displaying data.

Attention: This use of the word “sets” is NOT like location sets. It does not mean a group of something.

What are Time Series Sets?

A time series set is like a query that runs against the database. It contains all of the keys and flags uniquely identifying the set of data retrieved.

Any module in CHPS requiring data from the database or producing data stored in the database does so using time series sets. Time series sets also display time series plots.

Time series sets show up in multiple types of configurations (i.e. modules, displays, filters, etc.) and files, but the basic configuration of the time series set remains nearly the same.

Time Series Set Elements

Time series sets have required elements. If any of the required elements are omitted, the validation of the particular configuration file will fail. The list below describes the required elements.

moduleInstanceId -  the id of the specific module instance or module instance set that has written the time series data (i.e. module instance configuration files in ModuleConfigFIles).
valueType - the time series data type scalar, vector, longitudinal profile, grid, polygon, sample, or rating curve
parameterId - parameters of the time series data (This id is cross referenced in Parameters.xml to make sure it has been registered there.)
locationSetId - defines the location for which the time series data is gathered and/or displayed ( Multiple locations maybe referenced using the location set id.)
timeSeriesType - the time series type: external forecasting, external historical, simulated forecasting, or simulated historical
timeStep - the time step of the time series data (Its attributes include unit [second, minute, or, etc], multiplier/divider [defines the number of units].)
timeZone - the time zone of time series (Only relevant if units are for a day or longer.)