


4.4 Configuration Process

Module configuration proceess diagramNow that you know what type of information is defined in module configuration files, it is time to learn how to configure a module from start to finish.

Module configuration involves more than one file and more than one directory.

module region ModuleParFiles directoryModule Data Sets Folder System directory

The module configuration process includes the steps listed on the right.

Note: if you want to group module instances, the module instances must to be added to the specific module instance set to which it pertains.

clockTime Saver Hint: Often you can locate a module configuration, parameter, or data set file similar to what you need in the ModuleConfigFiles, ModuleParFiles, or ModuleDataSets directories.

Save yourself some time and work by copying and modifying these files instead of writing your new file from scratch.

Rename it and put it in the correct subdirectory when you are done.

Try it out! Practice Exercise: Adding a Transformation Module