


3.5 Units

CHPS uses metric units. However, units can be converted while importing, exporting, or displaying.

Conversion Map

unit conversion

The conversion of the units occurs due to coding in XML files within the UnitConversionsFiles directory. Contents of this folder are shown below.

unit config files

Conversions use basic coding. For example...

A typical unit conversion when going from English units to metric units is feet (FT) to meters (M). In order to do this conversion, apply a simple dimensional analysis: 1 inch = 0.0254 meters, and there are 12 inches in 1 foot; therefore, 1 foot = 0.3048 meters.

To do the same conversion in CHPS, specify the input unit type (i.e., feet, FT), the output unit type (i.e., meters, M), and the multiplier (i.e., 0.3048). Also try adding an incrementer if necessary (in this example, there is no need for an incrementer).